Friday, November 2, 2012

"Ill-Met at the Drake and Griffin"

The first comic story I ever published was a piece called "Ill-Met at the Drake and Griffin". It appeared in an anthology called A Fistful of Comics, the brain child of editor Jim O'Hara, put together in 2010 by the members of Mark Millar's Millarworld forums. The pencils and lettering were done by Gavin Smith and the inks by Nick Justus (who also assisted on the letters). It's got it's share of problems and when I look at it now there are a lot of things I would do differently, but there are a few bits I'm really proud of. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Taking Stock: October

It's a new month (November) so it feels like a good time to take stock of what I've done in the last month.

Comic Script Pages Written:  9

Issues Outlined: 4

Stories Pitched: 1

Blog Entries: 3

I also have the new blog set up, have joined one on-line writer's forum that seems to be working out well, and finally set up a Twitter account (@joncarrollwrite) and a G+ account. That's not bad for less than half a month of serious work after returning home from NYCC...but it's not professional level productivity either.

Goals are important things to have so my goal for November are to double my performance in all of the above metrics, hopefully before the dual crush of the holidays (I work in retail after all) and snow shoveling set in. The biggest challenge for me will be finding the time to do 19 pages of actual script but if it wasn't difficult it wouldn't be worth doing!